Frazzled Woman

Experience freedom from exhaustion, overwhelm and anxiety, even if you have a busy stressful life

We live in a culture where overworking is seen as a sign of achievement, a measure of being more dedicated and more successful.   

We honour being busy, associating it with being important and valued. As if being not busy means you don’t matter.  

We strive to succeed in high pressure environments, constantly trying to prove our capability and self-worth.  

The end result is a generation who are constantly stressed, overwhelmed, anxious and unable to cope.


Frazzled Woman

Experience freedom from exhaustion, overwhelm and anxiety, even if you have a busy stressful life

We live in a culture where overworking is seen as a sign of achievement, a measure of being more dedicated and more successful.   
We honour being busy, associating it with being important and valued. As if being not-busy means you don’t matter.  
We strive to succeed in high pressure environments, constantly trying to prove our capability and self-worth.  
The end result is a generation who are constantly stressed, overwhelmed, anxious and unable to cope. We are FRAZZLED! 

Waking up feeling drained wondering how you will get through the day? 
Totally overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list? 
Putting off the simplest of tasks and taking forever to get things done? 
Feeling under pressure and doubting your ability?   
Brain completely fried and finding it hard to think? 
Totally lacking motivation for everything you used to love?  

Burnout happens when you avoid being human for too long.

I'm exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.

I am a Certified Hypnotherapist, Life Coach and Rapid Transformation Therapist. I am a mum to 3 beautiful girls, a recovered busyness addict and my mission is to help people live exciting lives while remaining in good health! 

I combine my professional skills with my personal experience of years of burnout, to enable a breakthrough for people feeling completely frazzled and unable to enjoy life. 

I help you to quickly and permanently restore your energy, find a calmer way of living, take the pressure off yourself and love living in the flow of life. 

My approach is unique – I use hypnotherapy and work with your subconscious mind to understand what’s going on in your mind and lifestyle that has led to burnout.   

You can’t fix what you don’t understand!  By understanding the deep rooted beliefs that have kept you stuck in this negative cycle, you will permanently free yourself from this trap. You will find a more peaceful and joyful way of being and have the energy and motivation to create the life you deserve.